Indigenous Engagement
Joro Consultants has collaborated with many Indigenous communities in Manitoba and Nunavut, on wildlife & land use planning, traditional knowledge workshops, and involvement of elders, youth & other local community participants.
Examples of projects & Indigenous communities we have worked with:
Kivalliq Hydro Fibre Link (KHFL) Project for Nukik Corporation
o Working with local participants from the communities listed below to provide field crew support & safety for various aerial wildlife & plant surveys and trail camera deployment & maintenance for the KHFL
o Providing Hunter Trapper Organization (HTO) support for KHFL community engagement workshops
o The above work was completed in each of the following communities:
Rankin Inlet
Chesterfield Inlet
Whale Cove
Baker Lake
Town of Churchill
Fox Lake Cree Nation
Trapper Program (TP) for the East Side Road Authority
o Local community trappers were hired from each of the following communities to participate in a TP collecting detailed furbearer information as part of an All Season-Road Development Project:
Berens River First Nation
Bloodvein First Nation
Bunibonibee (Oxford House) Cree Nation
Garden Hill First Nation
Gods Lake First Nation
Hollow Water First Nation
Little Grand Rapids First Nation
Manto Sipi (God’s River) Cree Nation
Pauingassi First Nation
Poplar River First Nation
Red Sucker Lake First Nation
St. Theresa Point First Nation
Wasagamack First Nation
Forest Management Plan Review
o Assisting Peguis First Nation on review of a provincial forest management plan and activities in Southeast Manitoba
The Effects of Climate Change (CC) on Wildlife Presentation
o Presenting to Black River First Nation on CC effects on wildlife and hosting a trail camera deployment and track & sign survey methods workshop with community members
Wildlife Habitat Modeling Demonstration
o Presenting to various First Nations and modeling species of interest habitat within their traditional territories
Moose Management Committee
o Doug Schindler (1991 to mid-2000s), Committee Chairman, worked with First Nation communities in eastern Manitoba on behalf of the Manitoba Model Forest