Aerial Wildlife Survey and Telemetry Specialists.
Supporting your wildlife survey needs!
Joro Consultants provides diverse aerial wildlife services for various programs, including site specific projects within game hunting areas or across linear survey areas.
Providing experienced ungulate and multispecies surveys, wildlife telemetry recruitment, collar retrieval, kill site investigation services, and remote equipment deployment. Reporting is a critical part of any program, providing a summary of work, analysis, and mapping as a visual tool to interpret results, upon completion of every survey.
Provinces or Territories for aerial services:
Wildlife included, but not limited to:
White-tailed Deer
Mule Deer
Wild Boar
Furbearers (Winter Track and Sign Survey)
Waterfowl (Staging, Migration Counts)
Other aerial services offered (winter/summer):
Aerial telemetry and recruitment
GPS/VHF collar retrievals
Wildlife kill site investigations
Trail camera deployment, data collection/maintenance, and retrieval
Autonomous Recording Units (ARUs) “bird recorders” deployment, data collection/maintenance, and retrieval
Services included upon completion of aerial surveys:
Waypoint data shapefiles aerial survey results
Field summary reports
Online storage and access of survey data
Contact us today to get started on your wildlife survey needs!